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How does Xena handle scheduling inside a user’s organization?
How does Xena handle scheduling inside a user’s organization?

Learn how Xembly handles scheduling inside a user's organization by relying on available calendar data and preferences.

Peter Francis avatar
Written by Peter Francis
Updated over a week ago

Xena is able to see open and busy slots on the schedules of anyone sharing their calendar with you, including non-Xembly users within your organization.

Xena will take into account each person's existing commitments, time zones, and preferred working hours (set in the Xembly Web App or Extension settings, or in Google Calendar for non-Xembly users) to find the most suitable time for everyone.

This ensures that the scheduled event is convenient and minimizes conflicts across all participants' calendars. If you have any specific preferences, note them while scheduling, and Xena will do their best to accommodate them when scheduling events.

A conversation between Maisie and Xena on Slack. Maisie begins: "when could @Sarah Springler meet for 15 minutes this week? ignore my availability." Xena replies: "Here are the available time slots for a 15-minute meeting with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a> within this week." Xena provides five options in the following format: "Tuesday 12/12 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm," and concludes "Please let me know if you'd like to schedule a meeting within any of these available time slots by providing the option number." Maisie replies "1," and Xena confirms "I have scheduled a meeting called "Called" today at 3:45 PM with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>. If you'd like to find a different time, please let me know.

In case of conflicts or unavailability, Xena will schedule the next available date and time and suggest alternative times within the requested timeframe, listing the unavailable attendees.

A conversation with Xena in Slack. Maisie pings Xena asking, "Can you schedule a 30-minute meeting with @Sarah Springler the week of Dec 18?" Xena replies that a meeting with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a> has been scheduled on Tuesday, December 26th at 12:45pm, "as there were no available times when all attendees were free during the week of December 18th." Xena notes that there are "3 alternative options within the requested window where 1 or more attendees may be busy," and provides dates and times, noting that Maisie is unavailable during each. Xena concludes by offering to reschedule the event to one of these options.

Pro tip: The more people in an organization that are actively using Xembly, the easier it is for Xena — armed with more preference data — to make optimal scheduling decisions for everyone.

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