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Tasks Overview
How to action/complete/modify tasks
How to action/complete/modify tasks

Learn how to modify Tasks by due date, calendar block duration, owner, and more.

Peter Francis avatar
Written by Peter Francis
Updated over a week ago

Actioning new tasks in the Xembly Web App or Extension

When you have a new task on your Task Manager, you will see the ability to

Select Action.

This is an image of the "select action" button of the Xembly Task Manager.

When you hit Select Action in your Task Manager, you will be given the option to Block Time or Set Reminder to directly add time for the task onto your calendar. Block Time defaults to 60 minutes; reminders default to 15 minutes.

Setting reminder or block time in the Xembly Task Manager.

See the example below of a successful Block Time added:

Block time added in the Xembly Task Manager.

Actioning new tasks with Xena

You can ask Xena to action a task for you in Slack or the chat feature in the Xembly Web App or Extension. Say something like, "Add a reminder to my calendar for the task 'Send intro email to the new hires'." Make sure to confirm in the thread with Xena that you'd like to create a Block Time or reminder for the task.

This is an image of a request with the Xembly Slack App to Block Time with an existing task.

Complete tasks in the Xembly Web App or Extension

Mark tasks as complete by clicking the checkbox to the left of your task.

pointer size

Complete tasks with Xena

You can ask Xena to mark your tasks as complete in Slack or the chat feature in the Xembly Web App or Extension. Just say something like, "Mark the task 'Forward Mark the email from Greg' as complete." Make sure you confirm the task you'd like to mark as complete in the thread with Xena.

This is an image of the of a request in the Xembly Slack App. The request is to mark a task as "complete."

Watch out: You will need to send individual requests for each task, as Xena cannot modify more than one task at a time.

Modifying scheduled Blocks and Reminders

Once a task has been scheduled on your calendar, you will have the ability to update the date or duration, and you can even adjust whether a blocked time will auto-move if it is left incomplete.

Updates can be made directly inside of the Xembly Web App or Extension.

If you are working in the Xembly Web App or Extension, you will see these icons as your options:

  1. Forward Circular Arrow: Find another time -> Xembly will look for the next available time that fits your requirements.

  2. Calendar: Manual schedule -> Gives you control to manage when the task is scheduled to match your needs.

  3. Stop Watch: Duration adjustment (only available with Block Time).

Collapsed task view

By clicking on the task or the three dots on the right side of the task, you can open an expanded view of the task. This will allow you to complete the same actions, add helpful notes, or even attach documents.

Expanded task view

Watch out: Adding notes and attachments to a task is currently only available in the Xembly Extension.

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