How do I interact with Xena?

Learn how to utilize Xena across your Xembly Web App, Extension, and Slack.

Peter Francis avatar
Written by Peter Francis
Updated over a week ago

Xena is designed to work alongside you wherever you're at. The range of locations where you can co-work with Xena is growing quickly, but you can get started with the Xembly Web App, Extension, and Slack.

Xena in the Xembly Web App (desktop)

Working alongside Xena in the Xembly Web App is as simple as typing into the yellow “Hey Xena” chat box at the bottom of the screen.

This is an image of the Xena chat box in the Xembly Web App.

Sending a request will pull up a chat module with Xena to continue the interaction.

This is an image of the Xena chat history in the Xembly Web App. User asked what was on their calendar for today and Xena replied with a list of events.

You can also view your chat history with Xena by clicking on “View History” next to the close button at the top right or by clicking on the Xembly logo to the left of the Xena chat box on any web page. This will show your interactions with Xena from both the Web App, Slack, and the Extension.

This is an image of the "chat history" view in the Xembly Web App.

Xena in the Xembly Web App (mobile)

Working alongside Xena in the Xembly Web App is as simple as clicking the yellow Xena chat icon on the bottom right of any web page and typing your request in the "Hey Xena" chat box that pops up.

This is an image of the Xena chat box in the Xembly Web App via mobile.

Sending a request will pull up a chat module with Xena to continue the interaction.

This is an image of the Xena chat box after a request has been sent in the Xembly Web App via mobile.

You can also view your chat history with Xena by clicking on “View History” next to the close button at the top right or by clicking on the yellow Xena chat icon that appears on the bottom right of every web page. This will show your interactions with Xena from both the Web App, Slack, and the Extension.

This is an image of the chat history in the Xembly Web App via mobile.

Xena in the Xembly Extension

Working alongside Xena in the Xembly Extension is as simple as clicking the yellow Xena button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Xena in extension

This will bring up the Xena chat module.

Xena chat

Xena in Slack (1:1 with Xena)

Xena by Xembly is located in the "Apps" section of the Slack Menu bar below Channels and Direct messages:

xena private dm

You do not need to @ mention Xena with any message in your personal 'Xena by Xembly' communications. Xena will respond to your message with a threaded reply, and you can continue with any follow-ups in that thread.

xena private dm

Note: Xena will also send you notifications from your Feed (e.g. Summaries for Review, Suggested Calendar Blocks, etc.) in your private Xena by Xembly communications.

Xena in Slack (group messages)

  1. To include Xena in group messages, you must start a new group with Xena. You cannot add 'Xena by Xembly' to an existing group chat.

  2. Remember to always use '@Xena by Xembly' or '/xena' when directing your message to Xena in a group message context.

  3. Note: Only the original person who prompts 'Xena by Xembly' in a tagged message can continue that conversation with Xena. Other chat participants are still able to respond to the thread on a human conversational level, but Xena won’t address those messages.

slack group message

Xena in Slack (channels)

  1. Invite 'Xena by Xembly' into your channel in one of three ways:

    1. Just message @Xena by Xembly and you'll get a private message asking if you want to invite

    2. Type /invite @Xena by Xembly

    3. Click the View all members of this channel button on the top right of your Slack window and add 'Xena by Xembly' in the modal pop up

  2. Remember to always start your message with @Xena by Xembly or /xena when directing your message to Xena in a channel context.

  3. Note: Only the original person who prompts 'Xena by Xembly' in a tagged message can continue that conversation with Xena. Other chat participants are still able to respond to the thread on a human conversational level.

xena in slack channel
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